Worship at St Oswald's
Shown below are the regular services at St Oswald's. You will find a range of service formats, ranging from traditional to contemporary, formal to informal and from the active to the contemplative. Music ranges from well-known hymns, accompanied by organ and robed choir, to modern worship songs accompanied by the church music group. We hope that you will find a style of worship that suits you.
Sunday Morning Services
8 a.m Holy Communion every Sunday – this is a simple, quiet and reflective said service, in modern language and includes a brief sermon |
10 am. Main Sunday Service. The content and style of this service varies through the month, as outlined below:
First Sunday of the month
The all age Family Service is at 10.00am on the first Sunday of each month.
Second, fourth and fifth Sundays of the Month
Parish communion. This service is in modern language but with a more traditional style, accompanied by the choir and organ. It finishes around 11.15 a.m |
Third Sunday of the Month
Spotlight service. This contemporary service is more informal than a typical parish communion and includes guest speakers, modern worship music and focuses on topical issues of our time. Recent topics have included mental health, climate change, refugees and peace and reconciliation.
Weekday Services
Short reflective mid-week Communion services are held at 11.00 a.m. every Wednesday.
Please wear a mask if you are coming to this service.
Morning Prayer is held on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 9.00am. |
Weddings, Funerals and Christenings
If you need more information on weddings, christenings or funerals, please click here.
Christmas, Easter and other Feast Days
For services on major Feast Days, please take a look at our 'What's on' calendar.
Children are welcome at all services, and in the church hall we provide a Sunday School for 3 1/2 year olds upwards during our regular Sunday 10am services. After communion, they are welcomed into the congregation and join them for the rest of the service.
Members of the congregation are closely involved in many aspects of all services, whether (amongst other roles) singing in the choir, reading lessons, or devising and leading the less formal services.